Home Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy & Terms of Use Agreement

This online privacy policy pertains to all El Sol Media Group, Inc. affiliated websites including but not limited to websites for El Sol de la Florida Newspaper, hereinafter referred to as "El Sol de la Florida Newspaper".

El Sol de la Florida Newspaper is committed to protecting consumer privacy online. We believe that greater protection of personal privacy on the Web will not only protect consumers, but also increase consumer confidence and ultimately their participation in online activities. At El Sol de la Florida Newspaper, we intend to give you as much control as possible over your personal information.

The purpose of our policy is to inform you about the types of information we gather about you when you visit our site(s), how we may use that information, whether we disclose it to anyone, and the choices you have regarding our use of, and your ability to correct, the information.

Our site(s) may contain links to other Web sites, including Web sites directed to children. We have no control over the privacy practices or the content of any of our business partners, advertisers, sponsors or other sites to which we provide links from our sites. You should check the applicable privacy policy of the Web site sponsor when linking to other Web sites.

  1. Membership and Registration

If you become a Member of El Sol de la Florida Newspaper, you accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your account or password, and agree not to sell, transfer or assign your Membership or any Membership rights. We reserve the right to terminate your Membership at any time for any reason. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and for restricting access to your computer so others outside your household may not access El Sol de la Florida Newspaper using your name in whole or in part without our permission. If you believe someone has accessed El Sol de la Florida Newspaper using your member name and password without your authorization, e-mail us immediately at admin@elsoldelaflorida.com.

Some areas within our network of sites may require a credit card payment before access is granted. If you sign up for these services, you agree to pay all subscription fees and any other charges incurred in connection with your member name and password (including any applicable taxes) at the rates in effect when the charges were incurred. We may bill charges automatically to your credit card. All fees will be billed at the beginning of your subscription or any renewal (or as soon thereafter as fees or charges are incurred) and are nonrefundable. You are responsible for all fees and charges incurred to access El Sol de la Florida Newspaper through an Internet access provider or other third party service. Your subscription will renew automatically, unless we terminate it or you notify us by e-mail of your decision to terminate your subscription. You must cancel your subscription before it renews in order to avoid billing of fees for the renewal term to your credit card.


El Sol de la Florida Newspaper strives to offer its visitors the many advantages of Internet technology and to provide an interactive and personalized experience. We may use Personally Identifiable Information (your name, e-mail address, street address, telephone number and other information) subject to the terms of this privacy policy. Please note this policy applies only to information collected by El Sol de la Florida Newspaper online and does not impact information collected or used by El Sol de la Florida Newspaper or its affiliates through other means.

III. How we gather information from users

How we collect and store information depends on the page you are visiting, the activities in which you elect to participate and the services provided. You can visit many pages on our site without providing any information. Other pages may prompt you to provide information, such as when you sign up for membership, request certain features (e.g., newsletters, news updates and other products), sign up for a newspaper subscription or make a purchase. You may also provide information when you participate in sweepstakes and contests, voting and polling activities, message boards and chat rooms and other interactive areas of our site.

Like most Web sites, El Sol de la Florida Newspaper also collects information automatically and through the use of electronic tools that may be transparent to our visitors. For example, we may log the name of your Internet Service Provider or use "cookie" technology. Among other things, the cookie may store your user name and password, sparing you from having to re-enter that information each time you visit, or may control the number of times you encounter a particular advertisement while visiting our site. As we adopt additional technology, we may also gather information through other means. In certain cases, you can choose not to provide us with information, for example by setting your browser to refuse to accept cookies, but doing so may limit your ability to access certain portions of the site or may require you to re-enter your user name and password. Additionally, we may not be able to customize the site's features according to your preferences.

  1. What we do with the information we collect

We will use your information only as permitted by law. Aggregated Information (information that does not personally identify you) may be used in many ways. As one example, we may combine information about your usage patterns with similar information obtained from other users to learn which pages are visited most or what features are most attractive. Aggregated Information may occasionally be shared with our advertisers and business partners, but cannot be used to contact you individually.

We also collect information to enhance your visit and deliver more individualized content and advertising. For example, we may use Personally Identifiable Information collected on El Sol de la Florida Newspaper to communicate with you regarding our Terms of Service and privacy policy, products and services offered by El Sol de la Florida Newspaper and other affiliates and partners, administration of sweepstakes and contests, processing e-commerce transactions and other topics we think you might find of interest. We reserve the right to share this information with other business units and affiliates, including for example our affiliated newspapers and entities which has an ownership interest (collectively, "Affiliates"). This policy does not apply to any Affiliate's use of such information.

Personally Identifiable Information collected by El Sol de la Florida Newspaper may also be used for other purposes including but not limited to site administration and troubleshooting. Certain third parties who provide technical support for the operation of our site (our classifieds service and our automotive solution provider, for example) may access such information.

As we continue to develop our business, we may sell, buy, merge or partner with other companies or businesses. In such transactions, user information may be among the transferred assets. We may also disclose your information in response to a court order, at other times when we believe we are reasonably required to do so by law, in connection with the collection of amounts you may owe to us, and/or whenever we deem it appropriate or necessary to give such information to law enforcement authorities. Please note we may not provide you with notice prior to disclosure in such cases.

  1. Affiliated sites, linked sites and advertisements

El Sol de la Florida Newspaper expects its partners, advertisers and third-party affiliates to respect the privacy of our users. However, third parties, including our partners, advertisers, affiliates and other content providers accessible through our site, may have their own privacy and data collection policies and practices. For example, during your visit to our site you may link to, or view as part of a frame on a El Sol de la Florida Newspaper page, certain content that is actually created or hosted by a third party. Also, through El Sol de la Florida Newspaper you may be introduced to, or be able to access, information, Web sites, advertisements, features, contests or sweepstakes offered by other parties.  El Sol de la Florida Newspaper is not responsible for the actions or policies of such third parties. You should check the applicable privacy policies of those third parties when providing information on a feature or page operated by a third party.

While on our site, our advertisers, promotional partners or other third parties may use cookies or other technology to attempt to identify some of your preferences or retrieve information about you. For example, some of our advertising is served by third parties and may include cookies that enable the advertiser to determine whether you have seen a particular advertisement before. Through features available on our site, third parties may use cookies or other technology to gather information.  El Sol de la Florida Newspaper does not control the use of this technology or the resulting information and is not responsible for any actions or policies of such third parties.

Please be careful and responsible whenever you are online. Should you choose to voluntarily disclose Personally Identifiable Information on our site, such as in message boards, chat areas or in advertising or notices you post, that information can be viewed publicly and can be collected and used by third parties without our knowledge and may result in unsolicited messages from other individuals or third parties. Such activities are beyond the control of El Sol de la Florida Newspaper and this policy.

  1. Affiliated sites, linked sites and advertisements

El Sol de la Florida Newspaper expects its partners, advertisers and third-party affiliates to respect the privacy of our users. However, third parties, including our partners, advertisers, affiliates and other content providers accessible through our site, may have their own privacy and data collection policies and practices. For example, during your visit to our site you may link to, or view as part of a frame on a El Sol de la Florida Newspaper page, certain content that is actually created or hosted by a third party. Also, through El Sol de la Florida Newspaper you may be introduced to, or be able to access, information, Web sites, advertisements, features, contests or sweepstakes offered by other parties. El Sol de la Florida Newspaper is not responsible for the actions or policies of such third parties. You should check the applicable privacy policies of those third parties when providing information on a feature or page operated by a third party.

While on our site, our advertisers, promotional partners or other third parties may use cookies or other technology to attempt to identify some of your preferences or retrieve information about you. For example, some of our advertising is served by third parties and may include cookies that enable the advertiser to determine whether you have seen a particular advertisement before. Through features available on our site, third parties may use cookies or other technology to gather information.  El Sol de la Florida Newspaper does not control the use of this technology or the resulting information and is not responsible for any actions or policies of such third parties.

Please be careful and responsible whenever you are online. Should you choose to voluntarily disclose Personally Identifiable Information on our site, such as in message boards, chat areas or in advertising or notices you post, that information can be viewed publicly and can be collected and used by third parties without our knowledge and may result in unsolicited messages from other individuals or third parties. Such activities are beyond the control of El Sol de la Florida Newspaper and this policy.

VII. Children

El Sol de la Florida Newspaper does not knowingly collect or solicit Personally Identifiable Information from or about children under the age of 13 except as permitted by law. If we discover we have received any information from a child under the age of 13 in violation of this policy, we will delete that information immediately. If you believe El Sol de la Florida Newspaper has any information from or about anyone under the age of 13, please contact us at admin@elsoldelaflorida.com.

VIII. Disclosure to Third Parties

We do not share personal identifying information with any third party without your permission. We disclose only in aggregate form our statistical analyses or demographics of users to third parties, such as advertisers or other business partners. In some instances, we operate shared Web sites with businesses affiliated with us. Our privacy policy will apply to these Web sites, and our affiliates adhere to our privacy policy and will not share personal information with any third party without your permission. PLEASE BE AWARE that when you voluntarily disclose personal information (such as your name, e-mail address) in chat areas or bulletin boards to third parties, that information may be collected by others outside the control of us and may result in unsolicited messages from others.

  1. Accuracy of User Information

In order to ensure the accuracy of personal information provided for membership, you may return to the membership form online in order to change information you have provided at any time. Questions regarding our privacy policy, the accuracy of your personal information or the use of the information collected should be directed via e-mail to admin@elsoldelaflorida.com, or you can reach us by telephone in at 407-375-4595. You can also write us at:

El Sol Media Network, Inc.
2717 Michigan Ave.
Kissimmee, FL 34744

These privacy policies are effective as of June 1, 1994 and revised as of October, 2016. We reserve the right to change this policy at any time, and will post any changes to this policy as soon as they go into effect.

  1. Security of Information

We use our best efforts to ensure the security of personal information submitted by users. When collecting credit card information for online purchases, we offer secured-server transactions that encrypt your information in transit to thwart someone from intercepting it and misusing it. When we collect other information from our users, it is stored in an area where the general public does not have access to it.

  1. Use of Materials

The right to download and store or output the materials in our site(s) is granted for the user's personal use only, and materials may not be reproduced in any edited form. Any other reproductions, transmission, performance, display or editing of these materials by any means mechanical or electronic without the express written permission of us is strictly prohibited. Users wishing to obtain permission to reprint or reproduce any materials appearing on these sites may contact us via e-mail at: admin@elsoldelaflorida.com.


General Rules and Definitions

If you choose to use El Sol Media Network, Inc.’s Web sites, you will be agreeing to abide by all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement between you and El Sol Media Network, Inc.  and its’ affiliated websites including but not limited to websites for El Sol de la Florida.com and Los Incontrolables.com.

El Sol Media Network, Inc. may change, add or remove portions of this Agreement at any time.


El Sol Media Network, Inc. may change, suspend or discontinue any aspect of the Service at any time, including the availability of any Service feature, database, or content. El Sol Media Network, Inc. may also impose limits on certain features and services or restrict your access to parts or all of the Service without notice or liability.


El Sol de la Florida Newspaper reserves the right to change these Terms of Service at any time in its discretion and to notify users of any such changes solely by changing this Terms of Service. Your continued use of El Sol de la Florida Newspaper after the posting of any amended Terms of Service shall constitute your agreement to be bound by any such changes. Your use of this site prior to the time this Terms of Service was posted will be governed according to the Terms of Service that applied at the time of your use.

El Sol de la Florida Newspaper may modify, suspend, discontinue or restrict the use of any portion of El Sol de la Florida Newspaper, including the availability of any portion of the Content at any time, without notice or liability.  El Sol de la Florida Newspaper may deny access to any person or user at any time for any reason. In addition, El Sol de la Florida Newspaper may at any time transfer rights and obligations under this Agreement to any subsidiary or business unit, or any of their affiliated companies or divisions, or any entity that acquires El Sol de la Florida Newspaper or any of their assets.

These Terms of Service will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, without regard to its conflicts of law provisions. You hereby agree that any cause of action you may have with respect to El Sol de la Florida Newspaper must be filed in a federal or state court located in Kissimmee, Florida, within two months of the time in which the events giving rise to such claim began, or you agree to waive such claim. You agree no such claim may be brought as a class action. If for any reason any provision of this Agreement is found unenforceable, that provision shall be enforced to the maximum extent permissible so as to affect the intent of the parties as reflected in that provision and the remainder of the Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. Any failure of El Sol de la Florida Newspaper to enforce or exercise any provision of this Agreement or related right shall not constitute a waiver of that right or provision. The section titles used in this Agreement are purely for convenience and carry with them no legal or contractual effect. In the event of termination of this Agreement for any reason, you agree the following provisions will survive: the provisions regarding limitations on your use of Content, the license(s) you have granted to El Sol de la Florida Newspaper, and all other provisions for which survival is equitable or appropriate.

In the case of a conflict between these terms and the terms of any electronic or machine readable statement or policy (for example, a P3P electronic privacy policy), these Terms of Service shall control. Similarly, in case of a conflict between these terms and our Privacy Policy stated below, these Terms of Service control.


The contents of El Sol Media Network, Inc.’s Internet service are intended for your personal, noncommercial use. All materials published by El Sol Media Network, Inc. (including, but not limited to, news articles, photographs, images, illustrations, audio clips and video clips, also known as the "Content") are protected by copyright, and owned or controlled by El Sol Media Network, Inc. or the party credited as the provider of the Content. You shall abide by all additional copyright notices, information, or restrictions contained in any Content accessed through the Service.

The Service and its Contents are protected by copyright pursuant to U.S. and international copyright laws.

You may not republish any portion of the Content on any Internet, intranet or extranet site or incorporate the Content in any database, compilation, archive or cache. You may not distribute any Content to others, whether or not for payment or other consideration, and you may not archive, modify, copy, frame, cache, reproduce, sell, publish, transmit, display or otherwise use any portion of the Content. You may not scrape or otherwise copy our Content without permission. You agree not to decompile, reverse engineer or disassemble any software or other products or processes accessible through El Sol Media Network, Inc., not to insert any code or product or manipulate the content of El Sol Media Network, Inc. in any way that affects the user's experience, and not to use any data mining, data gathering or extraction method.

Requests to use Content for any purpose other than as permitted in these Terms of Service should be directed to Executive Director and President, Marcos A. Tejeda at admin@elsoldelaflorida.com.

In certain cases, you may be able to use individual stories through online functionality El Sol Media Network, Inc. has specifically designated (i.e., to e-mail a story to a friend or to purchase the rights to reproduce a story for other use). In such cases, we will tell you directly in the portion of the Content you may use or you will see a link in the Content itself.

Certain Content is furnished by the Associated Press or other wire services, which will not be liable for any delays, inaccuracies, errors or omissions in any such Content, or in the transmission or delivery of all or any part thereof, or for any damages arising therefrom.

User Content Representations and Warranties

By placing material on El Sol Media Network, Inc. Web sites, including but not limited to posting content or communications to any forum, discussion, article or blog, or posting text, images, audio files or other audio-visual content to the site ("User Content"), you represent and warrant: (1) you own or otherwise have all necessary rights to the User Content you provide and the rights to provide it under these Terms of Service; and, (2) the User Content will not cause injury to or libel any person or entity.

You agree not to post in a manner that emulates, purports or pretends to be someone else. Under no circumstances are readers posting to El Sol Media Network, Inc. Web sites to knowingly use the name or identity of another person, whether that is another reader on this site, a public figure, celebrity, elected official, etc. El Sol Media Network, Inc. also reserves the right to pull postings from handles which themselves might be considered objectionable.

You agree not to have multiple personalities on El Sol Media Network, Inc. Web sites commenting features. Each reader may have only one log-in, with the exception of individuals representing businesses or organizations. These individuals may have one personal account and one business-related account.

User Content License

By posting messages, uploading files, inputting data, or engaging in any other form of communication through this service, you hereby grant El Sol Media Network, Inc., without compensation to and/or permission from you, a royalty-free, perpetual, non-exclusive, unrestricted, irrevocable, worldwide license to: use, preserve, republish, reproduce, publicly perform, modify, translate, archive, store, copy, sublicense, adapt, transmit, publicly display and/or create derivative works from any such communication. This license shall include the right to exploit any proprietary rights in such communication, including without limitation rights under copyright, trademark, service mark or patent laws.

User Content Screening and Removal

You acknowledge that El Sol Media Network, Inc. and/or its designees may or may not pre-screen User Content, and shall have the right (but not the obligation), in their sole discretion, to move, remove, block or refuse any User Content for any reason, including without limitation that such User Content violates these Terms of Service or is otherwise objectionable.

User Content Assumption of Risk

El Sol Media Network, Inc. cannot and does not monitor or manage all User Content, and does not guarantee the accuracy, integrity, or quality of User Content. All User Content provided to El Sol Media Network, Inc. is the sole responsibility of the person who provided it. This means that you are entirely responsible for all User Content that you provide. To protect your safety, please use your best judgment when using El Sol Media Network, Inc. Web sites. We discourage divulging personal phone numbers and addresses or other information that can be used to identify or locate you. You acknowledge and agree that if you make such disclosures either through posting on any forum, discussion, blog or article, or uploading text, images, audio files or other audio-visual content, in classified advertising you place or in other interactive areas, or to third parties in any communication, you do so fully understanding that such information could be used to identify you.

User Content Posting Rules

Any decisions as to whether User Content violates any posting rule will be made by El Sol Media Network, Inc. in its sole discretion and after we have actual notice of such posting. When you provide User Content, you agree to the following posting rules. Violators may be banned.

If the photo or video depicts any children under the age of 13, you affirm that you have written permission from the child's parent or guardian to provide the photo or video.

Do not provide User Content that:

  • contains copyrighted or other proprietary material of any kind without the express permission of the owner of that material.
  • contains vulgar, profane, abusive, racist or hateful language or expressions, epithets or slurs, text, photographs or illustrations in poor taste, inflammatory attacks of a personal, racial or religious nature.
  • is defamatory, threatening, disparaging, grossly inflammatory, false, misleading, fraudulent, inaccurate, unfair, contains gross exaggeration or unsubstantiated claims, violates the privacy rights of any third party, is unreasonably harmful or offensive to any individual or community.
  • violates any right of El Sol Media Network, Inc. or any third party.
  • discriminates on the grounds of race, religion, national origin, gender, age, marital status, sexual orientation or disability, or refers to such matters in any manner prohibited by law.
  • violates or encourages the violation of any municipal, state, federal or international law, rule, regulation or ordinance.
  • interferes with any third party's uninterrupted use of El Sol Media Network, Inc.’s Web sites.
  • contains solicitation of funds, advertising or solicitation for goods or services, without the express approval of El Sol Media Network, Inc. Our comments and submission areas shall be used only in a noncommercial manner.
  • uses or attempt to use another's registration account, password, service or system except as expressly permitted by the Terms of Service.
  • uploads or transmits viruses or other harmful, disruptive or destructive files, material or code.
  • disrupts, interferes with, or otherwise harms or violates the security of El Sol Media Network, Inc.’s Web sites, or any services, system resources, accounts, passwords, servers or networks connected to or accessible through El Sol Media Network, Inc. Web sites or affiliated or linked sites.
  • "flames" any individual or entity (i.e., sends repeated messages related to another user and/or makes derogatory or offensive comments about another individual), or repeats prior posting of the same message under multiple threads or subjects.
  • Unsolicited Material and Ideas

El Sol Media Network, Inc. is not responsible for the similarity of any of its content or programming in any media to materials or ideas provided to El Sol Media Network, Inc.. You acknowledge and agree that if you send any unsolicited materials or ideas, you do so with the understanding no additional consideration of any sort will be provided to you, and you are waiving any claim against El Sol Media Network, Inc. and its affiliates regarding the use of such materials and ideas, even if material or an idea is used that is or may be substantially similar to the idea you sent.

Transactions and E-Commerce

During your visit to El Sol Media Network, Inc.’s Web sites you may elect to engage in a transaction involving the purchase of a product such as a print or online advertisement or other tangible goods and services. Credit card transactions and order fulfillment are often handled by a third-party processing agent, bank or distribution institution. While in most cases transactions are completed without difficulty, there is no such thing as perfect security on the Internet or offline. If you are concerned about online credit card safety, in most cases a telephone number will be made available so you can call us and place your order by phone. El Sol Media Network, Inc. cannot and does not take responsibility for the success or security of transactions undertaken or processed by third parties.

Errors in Advertisements

On occasion, a product or service may not be available at the time or the price as it appears in an advertisement. In such event, or in the event a product is listed at an incorrect price or with incorrect information due to typographical error, technology effort, error in the date or length of publication, or error in pricing or product information received from our advertisers or suppliers, you agree El Sol Media Network, Inc. is not responsible for such errors or discrepancies.

Notice of Intellectual Property Infringement

In accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and other applicable law, it is the policy of El Sol Media Network, Inc., in appropriate circumstances, to terminate the registration account of a member who is deemed to infringe third-party intellectual property rights or to remove user content that is deemed to be infringing. If you believe that your work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement and is displayed on El Sol Media Network, Inc. Web sites, please provide substantially the following information to our Copyright Agent (please consult your legal counsel or see 17 U.S.C. Section 512(c) (3) to confirm these requirements):

  1. an electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright or other intellectual property interest;
  2. a description of your copyrighted work or other intellectual property that you claim has been infringed;
  3. a description of where the material you claim is infringing is located on the site (providing us with Website URL is the quickest way to help us locate content quickly);
  4. your address, telephone number, and e-mail address;
  5. a statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law;
  6. a statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the above information in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright or intellectual property owner or authorized to act on the copyright or intellectual property owner's behalf.

El Sol Media Network, Inc. copyright agent can be reached as follows:
Copyright Agent, El Sol Media Network, Inc., 2717 Michigan Ave., Kissimmee, FL 34744.


El Sol Media Network, Inc. Web sites contain links to other related World Wide Web Internet sites. Since El Sol Media Network, Inc. is not responsible for the availability of these outside resources, or their contents, you should direct any concerns regarding any external link to the site administrator or webmaster of such site.


You represent, warrant and covenant (a) that no materials of any kind submitted through any current or future account(s) will (i) violate, plagiarize, or infringe upon the rights of any third party, including copyright, trademark, privacy or other personal or proprietary rights; or (ii) contain libelous or otherwise unlawful material; and (b) that you are at least 13 years old. You hereby agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless El Sol Media Network, Inc. and all officers, directors, owners, agents, information providers, affiliates, licensors and licensees (collectively, the "Indemnified Parties") from and against any and all liability and costs, including, without limitation, attorneys' fees, incurred by the Indemnified Parties in connection with any claim arising out of any breach by you or any user of your account of this Agreement or the foregoing representations, warranties and covenants. You shall cooperate as fully as required in the defense of any such claim. El Sol Media Network, Inc. reserves the right, at its own expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter subject to indemnification by you.

El Sol Media Network, Inc. does not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any advice, opinion, statement, or other information displayed, uploaded, posted or distributed through the Service by any user, information provider or any other person or entity. You acknowledge that any reliance upon any such opinion, advice, statement, memorandum, or information shall be at your sole risk. THE SERVICE AND ALL DOWNLOADABLE SOFTWARE ARE DISTRIBUTED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF TITLE OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. YOU HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT USE OF THE SERVICE IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK.


Membership is required to view certain Content and if you wish to post a comment, write a blog or article or upload a video or photograph. If you become a Registered Member of a El Sol Media Network, Inc. Web site, you accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your Registration Account. You agree to provide true, accurate, complete, and correct information at the time of registration, and to promptly update this information as needed so that it remains true, accurate, complete, and correct. We reserve the right to terminate your access and use of El Sol Media Network, Inc. Web sites if individuals from more than one household access El Sol Media Network, Inc. Web sites using any single Registration Account. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and for restricting access to your computer so others outside your household may not access El Sol Media Network, Inc. Web sites using your name in whole or in part without our permission. If you believe someone has accessed a El Sol Media Network, Inc.  Web site using your Registration Account and password without your authorization, e-mail El Sol Media Network, Inc. immediately at admin@elsoldelaflorida.com.


El Sol Media Network, Inc. reserves the right at any time to charge fees for access to portions of the Service or the Service as a whole. However, in no event will you be charged for access to the Service unless we obtain your prior agreement to pay such charges. All new fees, if any, will be posted in appropriate locations on the Service. You shall pay all fees and charges incurred through your account at the rates in effect for the billing period in which such fees and charges are incurred, including, but not limited to charges for any products or services offered for sale through the Service by El Sol Media Network, Inc. or by any other vendor or service provider. All fees and charges shall be billed to and paid for by you. You shall pay all applicable taxes relating to use of the Service through your account.


You may terminate any of your current and/or future accounts at any time by calling Customer Service at 1-407-375-4595.  Upon termination, you will receive an automated confirmation via e-mail that the request was received, and your access will be suspended within 24 hours. You are responsible for all charges incurred up to the time the account is deactivated. El Sol Media Network, Inc. may, in its sole discretion, terminate or suspend your access to all or part of the Service for any reason, including, without limitation, breach or assignment of this Agreement.


"Indemnity and Release. You agree to release, indemnify, defend and hold harmless EL SOL MEDIA NETWORK, INC. and its directors, employees, agents, attorneys, successors, officers and assigns, from any and all suits, losses, claims, third-party claims, demands, liabilities, costs and expenses (including attorneys' fees and costs) that EL SOL MEDIA NETWORK, INC. may sustain or incur, directly or indirectly, arising from or out of: (i) your failure to comply with any applicable Federal and/or State laws, statutes, ordinances and/or regulations and/or your violation of the rights of another; (ii) your breach of any of its obligations set forth in these terms of usage; or (iii) your use or misuse of El Sol de la Florida Newspaper. EL SOL MEDIA NETWORK, INC. reserves the right to assume the defense and control of any matter subject to indemnification by you. YOUR RELEASE AND INDEMNIFICATION OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH HEREIN SHALL SURVIVE YOUR TERMINATION FROM AND/OR DISCONTINUED USE OF EL SOL MEDIA NETWORK, INC. Web sites."


This Agreement has been made in and shall be construed and enforced in accordance with Florida law. Any action to enforce this agreement shall be brought in state courts located in Kissimmee, FL, or federal courts located in the state of Florida.

Notwithstanding any of the foregoing, nothing in this Subscriber Agreement will serve to preempt EL SOL MEDIA NETWORK, INC. Privacy Notice.

To contact El Sol Media Group, Inc., please use the following address:
El Sol Media Network, Inc.
2717 Michigan Ave.
Kissimmee, FL 34744